
newest blog


   this change should be quasi-permanent, i've been workin on it on and off since last may, with the goal of trying to make this more of a 'functional' space than a quirky placeholder site for links n stuff. i do have plans for this site, like starting a blog so you can listen to me ramble about stupid bullshit if u reeeeally really reeeeeally want to. i'd like to use it to focus on opinions of mine on art, things i'm working on or life developments but importantly without it becoming like a diary. i'll be adding a gallery for various pics and stuff, programming follies & other artmaking endeavours...

   so yeah, sit tight :3
          - junebug

older blogs ->

about me

   you have reached the junebug hotline, thank you for calling. your call is Very important to us! my name is june & i am an amateur musician, very shitty programmer & generally insufferable woman. also i have a chemistry degree, somehow...

   if you would like to hear my music, well you can't so too bad, becuz i haven't really released anything yet. i suppose you could try asking me reaaalllllyyy nicely. if you wanna talk to me unnecessarily cordially, press 1. if you wanna see what's going on in my dumbass life on a more regular basis, press 2. i'm not giving you my discord. if you would like to see my really shitty music opinions, press 3. if you would like to leave any complaints about said shitty music opinions, press 4. if you would like to stalk my listening habits in a totally normal way, press 5.

   this menu will not repeat. after hanging up, your number will be blocked & you will not be able to redial this number. your call is very important to us! & now a 14kHz sine wave will follow.
